The IMAGE-Maker
Our Greatest Gift
In the Rediscovery of The-HEART our Subject-Word is the word HEART (Lev), and our Code-Word is IMAGE (Yat-Zar).
In order to Learn to Live From The-HEART we need to Rediscover WHAT The-HEART is, WHAT The-HEART Does, What Language The-HEART Speaks, WHERE The-HEART is and HOW to Get TO The-HEART.
Larry's study in 1984 was a search for every use of the word "HEART in Ancient-Hebrew; not just in one or two places, but in over a thousand verses. The-Rule in this study is that in order to understand The-MEANING of a Word we need to search for its FIRST-Use which establishes The-Root and The-Context for The-MEANING of that word in Every-Further-Use.
When a Subject-Word no longer produces the intended Experience, The-MEANING of the entire related vocabulary disappears. On this journey together, we will find word after word that requires Transformation in order to communicate its original MEANING. A word reduced to a Left-Brain-Definition, forms a contaminated IMAGE in The-HEART or no discernable IMAGE at all. This makes recovering The-Genuine-MEANING even more difficult.
Our Hebrew Code-Word for The-HEART is "YTZR" (Yat-Zar) is a powerful example. The First-Use of the word "HEART" in Ancient-Hebrew reveals The-Language of The-HEART: "The-IMAGES of The-Thoughts of The-HEART . . . " (Gen. 6:5)
Yat-zar: IMAGE-Maker. from the Hebrew Root YTZR Meaning IMAGE, Form, Mold, Shape, Potter and Imagination.
The FIRST Use of our KEY code word YTZR appears right at The-Beginning in Ancient-Hebrew: "And the Lord God IMAGED Man from the Dust" . . . ALL of Life proves EVERYTHING Begins with an IMAGE; No IMAGE, No Beginning. Obvious, Simple, and Undeniable, though denied. What The-Father IMAGED in His HEART, He sculptured with His hands; an External form that matched His Internal IMAGE.
By replacing the imagination with The- IMAGE-Maker we exercise a "Quantum Leap" in understanding totally faithful to the authentic MEANING of Yat-zar. IMAGE-Maker is the most appropriate name as it accurately describes HOW The-HEART Functions: We make and form and shape the IMAGES we live our Life from.
In order to learn to Live from The-HEART as we are designed to, we have to learn how to use our IMAGE-Maker.
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